Hire a Professional Pet Sitter. Call Today!
Phone (940) 390-6820
Hometown $17.00 per visit.

Overnight $75.00 per night

Holidays $5.00 additional charge. Holidays Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day.

Cancellation fee is = to the first visit if cancelled with-in 24 hours of the first visit.

Please inquire about pricing for any of your special needs.

Full Service Visit includes: Feeding, providing fresh water, exercise, emptying litter boxes, cleaning up after your pets. Each visit last approximately 30 minutes.

We will bring in your paper and mail, water plants, adjust window treatments to make your home appear lived in. we will also keep and eye out for anything out of the ordinary that might arise in your absence.

The following services will be billed and $17.00 per ½ hour. $30.00 per hour for all areas.

Dog Walking - Routine dog walks are available daily, weekly or during a pet sitting visit.

Pet foods/and or other supplies picked up.

Pet shuttle groomer or veterninarian drop off/pickup.
P.S. we are not a boarding facility but we can deliver to one!

Waste Removal

Reinforcement training
One-on-One Sessions Available using your commands and techniques.

eMail: sheila@companionpetsitter.com